Hi there folks - my name is Kay Harrison, I’m the Loyalty Action Planner and I’m the newest member of the About Loyalty team. I wanted to reach out and say hi if we haven’t already met – hello!

As the name might suggest, I work closely with our fantastic charities on their action plans to grow loyalty throughout the year. Through tailored workshops and creative data analysis, I’ll be helping clients get the most out of their Chase Index results — diving into what makes each supporter tick, focusing on key growth areas at each charity — all with the objective of developing happy, loyal supporters!
I’ve travelled through the worlds of digital marketing, fundraising and events to arrive here as a loyalty connoisseur, but what’s brought all these adventures together has been my passion for making connections and telling stories. Roger, Richard and I have worked together since the start of 2022 – as you probably know, when it comes to finding experts in creating an amazing supporter experience, you need look no further! I could instantly tell that we were on the same page, and it’s a pleasure to be working even more closely with them now. Together, it feels like we’re making a real difference to charities and their amazing causes, right across the world.
So what makes loyalty special? It’s the sticky, see-through glue that keeps supporters by your side for years on end – you can’t see it, but it’s the reason why you’re not alone. A supporter who feels passionately about your cause, who trusts that you will always do the right thing, and who is highly satisfied in their experiences with you, will become a more loyal supporter than those who do not.
The Chase Index (and Chase Lite!) represent a holy grail of supporter insight, as they capture the loyalty of charity supporters in a trackable and measurable way. Over many years of research, About Loyalty has shown that this measurement leads to more growth for the charity, more support for the cause and more positive impact in the world – and at the end of the day, isn’t that why we’re all here?
It’s a really exciting time to become part of About Loyalty as the community continues to grow, with more and more charities coming on board. I love taking part in the monthly member workshops, where we collaborate, share challenges (and solutions!), and refine best practice in the sector. It’s such an enriching conversation, and something new always comes out of them – plus we have fun along the way!
If you’re reading this and thinking, ‘why aren’t I part of this yet?’, your chance is coming up to try this experience for yourself. Loyalty Day 2023 will be taking place on Thursday 16th November, and this is an opportunity to experience everything you’ve just read about: workshops, discussions and research-based insight into growing supporter loyalty at your organisation.
And if you’re one of our super-duper Chase Index members already, I look forward to seeing you at a workshop very soon….