Increasing fundraising income by measuring, understanding and growing supporter loyalty.
Designed exclusively for smaller charities.
Chase Lite — designed exclusively for smaller charities
The UK has a vibrant charity and voluntary sector of which 96% are small charities. In 2018/19 the overall number of charities in the UK was more than 163,000 of which 156, 646 were small charities with an annual income of under £1m [source: NCVO].
We’ve designed Chase Lite exclusively for these smaller organisations – helping you grow more support and more income by focusing on your supporter loyalty.
Chase Lite — helping smaller charities to grow supporter loyalty and income
Growing loyalty - the passion a supporter feels for you and your cause, should be at the heart of every supporter retention and development programme.
We know that growing loyalty is key to growing long term support. Our latest research proves that improving supporter loyalty through adapting and improving supporters' experiences with a charity, will increase donor retention, increase legacy pledges and increase total income.
Our new Chase Lite service allows smaller charities to measure supporter loyalty. Using this service, you can measure commitment to your cause, satisfaction with your communications and trust in you to deliver against your promises. And you can see how this will impact on future support.
And, of course, once you measure loyalty, you can grow it.
Chase Lite — what is it?
Chase Lite, through a straight-forward survey, provides you with a unique measure and benchmark of your supporters’ loyalty, and includes separate measures for commitment, satisfaction and trust.
By signing up to this service, you will be able to benchmark your loyalty, commitment, satisfaction and trust against more than 40 other charities. Through this, you will understand where your strengths are and, crucially, where your communications are not growing supporter loyalty.
On the back of this, you can take practical and targeted action to grow loyalty.
We want to emphasise how very easy it is for charities to take part – it's just a click away. Register your interest here.
Chase Lite — additional benefits
Chase Lite members, also have access to full results through an online portal, and unlimited access to a series of workshops throughout the year, that equip you with the tools you need to grow loyalty, commitment, satisfaction and trust.
Chase Lite — how to take part
You can measure your supporter loyalty at any time, and we can get you your loyalty results within weeks of signing up.
Contact us at About Loyalty to find out more about taking part.