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COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 continues to affect how people think and how they feel. People are behaving differently and starting to care about different things.​ Consumer confidence is low and optimism in the UK continues to be well below normal levels.


We've been researching 2,000 people each week since March 2020 and have a comprehensive catalogue of practical insights, trends and recommendations for charities.


Find out more below


Re-starting face to face

Brand new research and insights into how charities can restart face to face operations


Webinar: Shelter grows

supporter loyalty

Find out in this webinar how Shelter applied the principles of loyalty to grow support.

Girls in the Library

COVID-19 briefings​

We're publishing regular updates and briefings on the impact of COVID-19 on charities.


Webinar: Impacts of COVID-19

on charitable giving

Sharing results from the first four weeks of research into COVID-19 and charitable giving.

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