As ever, no cards from me this year – but I’d like to wish you and your loved ones a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

To add a bit of fun to your festive countdown, I'm sharing my annual charity Christmas Quiz! Instead of sending out Christmas cards, I am again raising funds for SOFII · The Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration — an amazing resource for fundraisers.
For every entry I receive I’ll donate £2 to SOFII.
Solve all 12 anagrams correctly, and you'll be in for a chance to win a £50 donation to a charity of your choice as well as a free online ticket to SOFII’s I Wish I’d Thought of That (IWITOT) event in 2024.
Email me your answers at by midday on the 23rd.
Have fun! And if you’re stuck on any, then About Loyalty will be posting clues on LinkedIn.
Wishing you a fantastic Christmas, and a happy and healthy new year.
(Click the image to expand or download)